Monday, 4 November 2013

A New Chaotic period, Pleiades & DNA upgrade

Dear Cosmic Sisters & Brothers......

The Pleiades, The Pleiadian Emissaries our beloved guardians who have been carefully guiding us from afar are due to be closer to us very soon.
They are on the spiral loop of our Solar system & so every so often they come into our system, this makes a tremendous difference to the light we receive which comes through their Star cluster.
This allows them to have a greater influence to Humanity, by awakening more Souls on Mother Earth.
 More of Humanity will begin to question their existence, & awaken their sleeping Soul to the Divine truth that they have living in an illusion.
We have as many Light workers can testify had such a influx of Solar Energy which has been testing us all.
That period came to close yesterday with a break & a resurgence of calm when the Solar Eclipse gave us a rest bite & healing quality to it.
However the Eclipse was a marker for a new period, one that will be even more intense than the last chaotic period for Light workers.
Further activations will occur to our DNA & Cells during this activation, a necessity for the whole.
Picture if you can that the Solar energy comes to us in waves, like a giant Ocean of Cosmic light, each making slight alterations which are necessary for the dormant DNA codes to fully function again as they did in the Ancient times.
Wave after wave of Solar & UV light is required to achieve this, & as light workers we are at the forefront.
DNA activation occurs not consciously but at a super consciousness level or subatomic.
Within our DNA chromosomes are cells that remain dormant, if you remember previous post I reminded you that each cell carries cellular memories of every incarnation you have had.
But we in general do not remember our past lives because these cells are lying dormant, we do however remember the trauma which has effected us so very deeply from ancient times ( Atlantis )
This event has caused a fear within us, which also effects our present understanding of what is happening to us through DNA upgrades.
The Divine is also in our cellular memory, & so when our cells are activated through light a remembrance occurs, of our ancient past ( Atlantis ) & that we, you are all Divine beings, forever connected to the ONE & ALL, the God/Goddess Presence.

Past trauma ( Atlantis ) needs to be healed, transmuted & transformed just as much as the Karmic patterns of this life time. All our past incarnations are coming up for review here, we as a species have made a huge journey through life times.
It's all of these experiences which were not healed into the light first time around that are now being gifted to us to heal.
We cannot move forward until they have been.....
Humanity has made a giant process from being in light, into darkness & now we are going back to the light, like a circle.
As my wonderful guide Lord Kumeka puts it, "Life is a circle with no beginning & no end"......
This is the total perfection of the Universe.....
The fear we feel is the bodies natural reaction to the what does not understand by resisting the changes.
Like I have previously reminded you in other posts, our ego's self defense mode is trying to hold on.
It is fighting this process which manifests itself as fear, anger, violence & panic, a whole host of emotions that rock us to the core.
Awareness is a great tool here, Remember your not your body, your body is what you have....
Your in control & so befriend your ego, your emotions.
Keeping two feet on the ground is so essential here, which is why I always bang on about it.
Gaia has the ability to keep you from the frustration, keep your cool here, our beloved Earth Mother loves us & stands ready to assist us too. So grounding is the key, try to be on bare feet as the rubber that most footwear are made from has the ability to shield the calming effect of Gaia.
During this period Light workers are being called upon again ( well we all agreed to this ) to harness the energies deep into our beloved Mother Earth by anchoring the light to assist humanity.
This cannot be done if we are not well grounded too.....

                                                      Love & Blessings to you all....

I will be away now for a few days as I have been asked by the Maya council in the Yucatan to attend a meeting. Personally it's a great honor, this is the process I have been waiting for to proceed with the Mayan tours, so I wanted to let you know I had not forgot about that.

                                                           In Weet Laak'ech

 And finally yesterdays Solar Eclipse.....


Friday, 1 November 2013

The Prime Creator speaks and The Universe is perfect

Dear Cosmic Sisters and Brothers.....

The Heavenly Father/Mother/  Hunab Ku gave me this message for you the other day....

"Humans are but a mere slither of their former selves they were in ancient times.
Presently you can not comprehend in your current mindset the vast potential you have as a species, however you will have once again this potential.
The many who are the one, my ONE are already ascending in vast numbers globally.
You are my bag of sweets, a large bag of MM's"..... ( At this point I must admit my fondness for MM's, the Creator knew this so used it as a metaphor, I did protest saying I can not put that in the message, to which  he replied " And why not"?  The Creator has a wonderful sense of humour, after all He/She created humour)

"You are my bag of sweets, a large bag of MM's, without the packet ME you are not your full self.
Within the bag you are the many, but essentially all one, little pieces of ME.
So when humanity denies me, you are not living a full life.
Life is devoid of it's full value, it's fullness of living a perfect, healthy, happy, loving and joyful existence.
I created you perfectly, your Spiritual essence, then I created a physical form to live within.
When you deny one or both of these they cease to be complete, the cease to be whole and thus do not function at their highest potential. 

You are all my children, we are connected in every sense of the word....
What you do, I do with you, what you feel, I feel, what you see, I see, I AM You, living in you and experiencing what you feel, always and in ALL WAYS.

There is no secret to all of this just the reluctance of humanity to except the truth of it!
The Truth is that You and Me are all there is to be and will ever be....
We are a team and as a team we work best when we work together, listening to each other and acting as ONE.
I AM the fullest expression of life and you are my fullest experience of life living in the physical form......
                                           We are very much all ONE my Children"

The Universe is perfect and you are perfect too......
What we are globally experiencing are our attitudes, traits, our personality and behaviour, our characteristics that are currently being played out right in front of us.
It is only an awareness of them that can begin the transformation process....
Let me be clear there is nothing wrong with any of what is occurring, in the contrary we are all just making choices right now based on a familiarity of how we normally make decisions.

Question everything you normally do, assess it....
Ask yourself is this really beneficial for my Souls growth?
Is this my agenda as a being of light on Mother Earth?

There are a lot of frustrated, angry and upsetting dramas being played out in life right now.
The energies of Father Sun are letting us all know we need to be making changes right now.
Some of these dramas really touch us personally, they are from deep down and from past events we thought we had brushed aside long ago.
And some dramas are more recent, the little things seem so annoying to us.
People who have been in our lives for long periods seem to be changing their attitudes towards us.
This is all connected to the dramas, the Karmic patterns that are increasingly be exaggerated during this intense Solar period of light.
This is the perfection of the Universe.....
How else would you change aspects of your life, the negative traits we are carry if they were not being planted squarely in front of us to learn from.

Ask yourself, how can I learn from this drama that is being presented to me?

The Universe is doing it's job by saying Hey you down there, your not not learning from this so we are going to keep giving you these pointers, these lessons to learn from until you do....
You will continue to be given the lessons until you choose a different way to react to this drama.
Only when you have chosen to love and thank the Universe for the lesson will you move through it and past it.

We are learning and the Creator is learning with us, through us the Creator seeks to know itself....
We are the vessel in which to do that, seeking out all there is to know in order to grow.
This is a collective clearing of the planet, a mass healing that all to often seems very painful when were caught up in the emotions of illusions.
It is a necessity that Humanity and our whole Solar system is being gifted to learn from.

This is the perfection of the Universe.....

This is a blessing in disguise,therefore thank every sadness, angry moment, frustrated period or annoying circumstance that comes across your path because it is teaching you a wonderful lesson....
That lesson is LOVE
Forgive past mistakes and grievances you may have against others, heal resentment, be grateful for the lows just as much as the highs.
Allow the cleansing and surrendering of all negative thought forms to the Divine for transmutation.
Let your shadow be a torch and route to the light.
View everyone as the Divine essence, that their plight right now is just as uneasy as yours.
Know that they are you, and you are them,  just a different colour MM, but all from the same bag.
We are all made of a Divine essence that is essentially made of natural Goodness.

Have perfect faith and trust that this process of mass healing is the perfect solution to the neglect of disunity.
There is only one boat and guess what were all in it together.
What you resist will undoubtedly only persist, and persist until you give in to the Divine so it may know itself as whole again.
Be very proud of yourselves to of come this far, as it shows that the process is well underway.
It proves with a certainty that the Spiritual development of your Soul is on the path to Ascension.
Outward appearances are very deceiving, it is the inner that matters right now, the outer world will mirror the inner when you are whole and complete with the Creator.
Seek to better the lives of all you meet, remember there is no better gift than the gift of giving.
It benefits them and it benefits you because you are them.....

                                                              Thank you
                                                Divine Blessings and Love to all

                                                            In Weet Laak'ech

                    Mayan Yuum Balum (Jaguar Priest) and Shamanic Energy Healer
                                   Teacher of Ancient Wisdom and Channeler

                                                 Prime Creator ( Kili'ich Hunab Ku)