Monday, 22 July 2013

Thunder Moon

Legend speaks of the Thunder Moon on the 22nd of July, bringing thunder to the air in Summer time on this full Moon. No wonder then that we here in the UK experienced very loud thunder storms last night....
You see some legends are true.....

There is also low activity on Father Sun at the moment....

                                                               In Weet Laak'ech

Monday, 15 July 2013

Physical Death

The majority of people in the modern western world  have a great fear of the thing we call death which has been very misunderstood for many centuries. This fear effects all our lives by diminishing the wonder & joy of living a full & fearless life whilst on Earth. The dogma surrounding the ending of physical life is so inbred into the culture of humanity that it has created lifestyles that seek to limit spiritual growth & therefore limit the potential for living a harmonious life whilst in physical form. The belief systems that are currently in place, that of we are born & then living for x amount of years before eventually dying are so deep in the cultures of Human beings that they undermine the very purpose of life itself. We get so concerned that we do not have enough time to do all the things we wish to do whilst in human form that we forget the very principles of existence itself.
We are all here to create a life that expresses your truest self... YOUR SOUL...
We must therefore RE-MEMBER that you are not your body, your body is what you have whilst you reside on Mother Earth....
It is a device, & a wonderful piece of engineering from the Creator, the God/Goddess in order for you to experience an existence in the physical realm on Earth in order for your True self, your Soul to fully express itself.   

Yet i tell you the moment of physical death is the most liberating experience you will ever go through. You release yourself, you release the very essence of who you are your soul, your energy from this illusion of this realm into what we might call the real realm. You are transformed at the moment of physical death, your frequency is released back to all that exists. Back to Source, God, the Divine being, Heaven  what ever you wish to call all that there is. You are light, as is your Soul & that is a means by which you return to the Creator from the vibration of this world, this illusion. Which is ironically called the Maya, for the Maya are the Masters of illusion.... Remember that.... We are all living in the Maya, the Illusion.
When the Soul is released it is able to access all time & space all realms without restrictions, it is effectively free once more. In that moment you will fully comprehend the meaning of life & also the meaning of physical death & you will Re-member again the Love of all creation & that you never ever left it. You will Re-member that you are all ONE with everything that exists & that you Love everything with no conditions. For this is the truest expression of who you are in energy away from the constrictions of human form when you RE-MEMBER your full dimensional presence.

When we lose a loved one we are rightly sad through grief, & then go through the rituals of losing someone close to our hearts through a process which creates more grieving for us. Sadness is very understandable when we don't fully understand where that loved one has gone to.  Our society believes that death is the end & that we will never have more communication until our own time of passing, this comforting to a degree for us, however the sorrow of loosing someone is overshadowed by the fact that we have to wait for our own physical death in order to meet our dearly departed once more.
This has been misinterpreted in our culture, at the time of physical death & there after the Soul has only to think of a loved one still residing on this realm & they are immediately reunited with them.
I will say that again the Soul merely has to think, by their very thoughts brings them to their loved ones on Earth. The fact that we on Earth cannot see them at this present time is because of the restricting beliefs of how we view the world.
The Ancient cultures knew very well how important a communion with the departed really is. They knew that they could still communicate with their departed, they not only therefore intrusted it into their cultures but they also celebrated the moment of physical death as not an ending but as a beginning of a new cycle for the Soul.
This was & is a very important part of their grief process. To know that the loved one is still with you actually frees you from excessive trauma of grief. Those ancient cultures of the past & those cultures that still practice this tradition today understand the fundamental importance of life & that life is a cycle, with no beginning & no end. We never what we say in the western culture die, it is impossible to do so, the Soul is eternal.
What i have found through my own experiences of loosing  loved ones is to adopt those ancient principles & i can honestly say it really works. Therefore grieve, yes of course you must do so but do not be too down hearted because your loved ones are still with you. The same way as the Souls thoughts bring themselves to you when they think of you. The same is true when you think of your loved ones, so think, dream & be with them as often as you wish. For they are with you all the time when you think of them, those thoughts bring them to you.  Know, really know that they are with you, talk to them as if they were flesh & blood in front of you.
They are there & they are listening & they love you more now than you could ever believe.

It is therefore of great importance for you whilst in human form to live a life that best describes the true reason for living, expression of your Soul.
Live everyday as though it were your last on Earth, fully expressing the very essence of why you came to Earth, Love all things, all beings, all life with Love.
View everyone you meet as though they are your brethren, for they are, & you know they are you have merely forgotten they are whilst you are in this human form.
You no longer have to wait for Physical death to remind you of that which you already know to be true.
We are at the threshold of a new dawning, when we once more RE-MEMBER who we really are.
This is no longer something we have to wait for, it is something we have to create now, something we have to Re-member now.  

                                                     In Weet Laak'ech

Friday, 5 July 2013


Synopsis is the identification of homologue's ( masculine & feminine genes )  by paring, a essential step for successful meiosis ( cell division )
Synopsis effects us on many levels, from cellular mechanics to the evolutionary growth we are currently embarking on, our Spiritual growth of transformation.

Our Synaptic pathways are literally being re-written, as major adjustments are being made on the cellular level to make way for meiosis of the Chromosomes in our blood, our DNA.
This inherently speeds up the evolutionary process by dramatically heightening our Spiritual consciousness as these adjustments are being carried out.

The source of all this is through the filaments of light particles currently emanating from Father Sun. We are obviously experiencing all these particles of light through Solar activity. These then are a coded light frequency from the Creator that is designed to create the right frequency in order for humanity to live in balance & harmony on Mother Earth. Without the adjustments in our Synaptic pathways we would not be able to hold the right frequency here on Earth.  The Earth Mother is changing & we have to adapt to change with her, by changing our whole light frequency, our vibration. 

This is exactly what this whole evolution of consciousness is current doing to our cells, our bodies, making the necessary tuning to the human body.
As i have always said it is often not an enjoyable process if a particular person is resisting these changes, instead of excepting & embracing them as a gift.
This way of emotional clearing can be traumatic at its worse but it can & is meant to be something to be celebrated with gratitude in the heart.  This is also the fastest way to move through these emotions & emerge on the other side a more balanced & harmonious new citizen of Mother Earth.

                                                              In Weet Laak'ech

Monday, 1 July 2013

The Mayan Window


The Mayan technique of Divination is a very ancient accurate way of looking into what we call the future, past & present. What is known as the Mayan calendar is actually a living calender in the form of a ancient  tree called the Tz'ite & therefore a way that connects all life.
It is described in the Popol Vuh, the ancient text of the Maya, when Ixmukane & Ixpiyakok, the first grandparents cast the seeds of the Tz'ite in Divination as a way to create the first human beings.
This sacred tradition of Divination has been carried out for around 200,000 years since those times & it is the way that the Maya of today still use these seeds to create their calendars through Divination. The calendars we see throughout the Mayan world inscribed  in stone are manifestations of the readings obtained from divining the Tz'ite seeds.
This sacred tree on Earth is in Lago De Atitlan, the lake of Atlantis, in Guatemala, on the slopes of the Volcano's & all other Tz'ite trees originate from this one.
The Ajq'ij, the Shaman, or Spiritual guide would then travel beyond our linear space & time to obtain the wisdom from the underworld, the other realms & bring the wisdom back to the Mayan people as prophecy's & so a way to live in harmony & balance for the next Katun- 19.7 yrs or longer depending what the Shaman was divining for, what was required at the time. Of course this ancient form had many other uses.
For example it could & can be used to determine ones career, or when to conceive a child, & on what day sign of the Sacred calendar the child was to be born, also in any number of other ways.
The most famous of these divination techniques, prophecies was of course the end date of the Great cycle, 21/12/2012.   This was a marker for the Maya, a point they saw through divination from their past into our future that there would great changes to humanity & to global changes to Mother Earth & when the completion of the Great Cycle, the Mayan 4th Sun would complete it self & herald the the new 5th Sun cycle.
This was the galactic alignment when the Earth Mother Gaia awoke from her slumber & when the vision of the Mayan people was returned, & their true power begins to be returned.
It  is when the Cosmic energy from the Creator began to transform all life on Mother Earth through the light of  Hunab Ku, & so a special code from source to awaken our dormant DNA & Glands.
There have been many prophecies of the Maya  throughout the ages & all have come true by using this Divination technique.
In the Mayan world & indeed throughout the Universe there are cycles within cycles.
On the 6th June 2012 the 2nd Venus transit began to awaken all sacred sites of the world that had been dormant, purely from a UK view it began at Avebury stone circle, the largest stone circle in Europe. It has since that time been filtering down to all these sites throughout the Uk such as the Rollrights stone circle, Stonehenge, Woodhenge & Glastonbury one by one activating them again.
But all the sacred sites around the world have also been activated again, in preparation for the awakening of the Earth Mother, which indeed occurred on the Winter Solstice of 21/12/2012, the Galactic alignment.
As with all life, including human beings, all of life are receiving these coded activations from the great central Sun in the form of light for this grand awakening of consciousness of humanity.
And all of which has to occur before we are all living in the new age of peace, love & wisdom.
But Mother Earth is also receiving this light energy, this frequency from the Divine mind of the Creator.
It is Mother Earth that is running the show from our perspective on Earth, she will decide when we are all ready to move into this new world. This can only be achieved when we all have received the right amount of coded light to move to what is called Ascension.
The Maya also saw a period a time, a window of time with no name associated with 21/12/2012 this was a window of gestation.
A window of opportunity  that began on the 19th February 2013 & runs for about 3 yrs, up till 21st December 2015.
This is when the feminine consciousness energy replaces the masculine consciousness energy that has been on Earth for thousands of years.  Its rather like the feminine energy catches up to the masculine to harmonize it & balance it self out.
Therefore we will be in a new world that is both of peace & balance, we can all see this lack of balance on this planet which is causing so much of the pain & suffering throughout the world unfortunately. 
So this is what is needed before we can be living in the new dream of Love, Light & Wisdom.
However as Mother Earth is the catalyst for this change it is her that decides when this will occur.
Hence the Maya have this window whilst Mother is in a gestation period, just  like ourselves.
We are currently integrating these changes into our light bodies, & so not until we are all ready will this shift take effect.
It cannot really when you think about it how could we be living in a new reality when we are still in the old mindset, in the old way of thinking & with our old masculine consciousness running how we feel & view the world.
Its our awareness that has to change, our consciousness that needs to adjust before Ascension occurs.   
                                                            Cycles within Cycles....

So this Mayan end of time window will see a beginning of a new cycle, but only when when we shift.
When Mother Earth determines that the time for this to happen is right, which can occur at any time from 19th February 2013 - 21st December 2015.
Then the cycle of peace, love, & wisdom will begin, It is called the Oxlajuh Tiku or the 13 Heavens cycle, this is a positive cycle that the Maya were referring to in their prophecy of a great change on Mother Earth.
The Oxlajuh Tiku is a period of 13 x 52 years totalling 676 yrs of positive & productive balance, love & wisdom once more.
We came out of a previous Tiku cycle, a few years ago, which was negative & destructive cycle, which the Maya call the B'olon Tiku cycle, or the 9 Hells, a period of 9 x 52 yrs = 568 yrs.
This began in 1519AD when the Spanish conquistadors arrived on the shores of Vera Cruz ( True Cross ) Mexico, this began a very dark period for the indigenous cultures of the Americas, where there was death & destruction everywhere.
This lasted until 1987, the Harmonic convergence, when a another smaller cycle occurred, the Wayeb Tiku which was like a birthing period, a transition  for Mother Earth until she woke up last year 2012.

                                                        In Weet Laak'ech